Who are the Wonderland Family Travelers?

When your children are 6 and 9 and they start talking about setting a goal to visit 20 countries before they turn 20, you know they have inherited the "travel gene". Our family has a true passion for exploring the world. We are fascinated by other cultures, the history, and traditions of other countries, the languages, the flavors, and the people (I think the people are my favorite part). I caught the travel bug early when my parents would take us to visit our extended family, who lived all over the world. I fell in love with our beautiful earth! In 2015, we decided to take our kids to spend 4 weeks traveling around Italy. We took planes, boats, buses, crazy taxis, and too many trains to count! We savored every moment. We were ALL hooked! It was in that moment that the boys fell in love with traveling and created their challenge. Could they visit 20 countries before they turn 20? The boys are ending 2019 with a list of 12 countries they have visited (Italy, Canada, Iceland, Ireland, England, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, and the U.S), and over 100 countries to dream about traveling. Through our travels we have learned A LOT about how to travel as a family, travel with in a budget, great accommodations for families, best ways to pack (saving space and money), exploring cultural activties and traditions, favorite eats, best activities and tours for families, and so much more. Through our traveling the boys have started making videos to share their perspective, which is so cool because sometimes it is so different than our adult perspective. They get us thinking in a way we have never thought before. The boys created a name for us, The Wonderland Family Travelers, and our Facebook page, website, and youtube channel were born. We hope you enjoy traveling and exploring along with us and find our travel tips and itineraries useful so you can get out and explore this AMAZING world!